This is a Custom Stair and Handrail I installed in Marlton, New Jersey, for a local builder. The Rail is 6010 Colonial, The Posts are 1600 series, and Balusters are the 5015 style. All numbers are from http://www.carolinastair.com/. What I like about the stair design, is that, the stair itself seems to be more a part of the house than in many houses where the stair is in the foyer, and the foyer is separated from the rest of the house. This stair system, is in the foyer, in the living room, and can be seen from the kitchen, and all the bedrooms. I like that, but, what can I say, I'm a rail guy. This particular stair layout has plenty of upeasings (the radius piece of rail that joins a rake rail to a vertical rail). Notice how the posts "drop down through" the stair and landings. This makes for a much stronger railing than placing the posts on top of tread or landing.
*Stairman tip: Go to center of any length of rail in your house, use side of your fist, and give the rail a little "whack". Do you hear lots of rattles? If you do, that means some if not all of your balusters are loose, either at top, because they weren't nailed correctly, or at bottom, where they weren't fastened correctly, or suffered a blow of some sort to make them loose. The more they loosen, increases the chances that other areas of your rail will loosen also, and maybe result in a break at weak points of the rail. So, be sure to call your local neighborhood Stair and Rail expert, and schedule an appointment.
Call Ron today at 215-694-5046
to schedule your free consultation.