Rail Installer Medford NJ
New Staircase rebuilt in place with new shadow boxes up the far wall
New carpet runner puts the finishing touch on staircase
Your local Stair Manufacturer Rail Installer in Medford NJ. Initially this homeowner wanted to refinish her treads (sand off old stain and restain) and have me install a new railing for her. Upon close inspection of her stair, I discovered a lot of movement in the staircase overall, and numerous treads and risers with cracks and splits all the way through the wood, making that tread very weak because it was in two, sometimes three pieces. When I see that, I know we have to gut all the treads and risers and basically rebuild a new stair in place or pull entire staircase out and replace with new, stringers and all. The stringers were in decent shape, so we gave her all new treads and risers, and new rail, post, and balusters. Ron Hartman has been restoring and repairing and replacing entire staircases and handrails for 24 years from Princeton to Paoli, and from Point Pleasant to Pottstown, and every town in between. If you notice lots of movement in your stair as you ascend and descend, be sure to give me a call and schedule your FREE consultation with your local Stair Manufacturer and Rail Installer in and around Medford NJ, at 215-694-5046